Monday 7 January 2013

Shortfilm beginnings and Band Practice

Dose that sound like Beck Girl to anyone else? also, again was told girls will get the blog more attention so here you go. And also, it was in the top 10 most confusing adverts that dont make sense. So it fits the blog perfect then.

So i've started to write this short film idea, reading "The Guerilla Film Makers Pocketbook" "Cant afford the guide and its in the college library so get it out as often as i can.( but after cymbals out the way will get it. Or win at fuckin' poker"

So I'm just taking a simple idea like the imagery from the song above, and fitting it into a short film idea  here is the pitch/synopsis

A man has who is having a very bad day phones his best friend to meet him at the bar, so they can chat and discuss his situation.
the conversation goes on past last orders, and an argument with bar staff leads to a bar fight, eventually leading to the mans best friend paying his bail money.
after returning home to split his last 6 pack he realizes that with good friends such as this he can never have a bad time.

And I must say, it would be a bit difficult getting in a shooting but you never know I could fit one in somewhere somehow at some paint... So what do you think about it man leave feedback and shit. When I get the script off the ground for it which should be alter tonight, contact and shit and send us a message to read it, give us fead back on that stuff as well. 
Well, your gona need to have celtex installed, if not may have to go old school you know. Print that shit, post that shit. Don't be afraid of paper man, its only dead pulverized and mashed up trees man. Embrace technology, that fuckin' piece of shit at fuckin' times thing.
Fuckin' bank.

So I was 50 minutes early to band practice with Quid today, no problem will just read me book. mass of people walk out and shit, fair play just a band. go back inside. few minutes alter, we need someone to hold the boom arm mic can you do it, to the staff. so eventually one says alright. I would of but you know, was reading.
And do you know what they were filming ladys and gentlemen? thats right, you guessed it. Gay porn.
seriously man i read the script, it was a good script as well the formatting and shit. Even learn something from how to set em up with the reasoning behind it and how you going to film it, aswell as the act 1-3 shit. Was strange shit man. I almost volunteered to hold the boom mic.
I'm never going to a rehearsal early ever again.

Anyway its poker soon and I can't be arsed to fill out the rest of this stuff.
I was gona tell ya about my strange arse dream but nah it'll be alright, so.

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