Thursday 3 January 2013

My room, Soon to be new video, and How to case joints

So this is my wall. Every time I drum i'm looking at this, what more do you need to look at while you practice and rehearse? maybe an audience, but still. no wonder I like moody shit.
Also that was taken on me new camera, whey. will be filming some stuff on friday so will have a video or something up friday blog or saturday depends how big the file is and how long it takes to upload to youtube, well that and editing the fuckin' thing. Main thing is picking a song to go with the fuckin' footage. Nature, and horses. you never know, there are horses there man.

so they are the sogns i may use for the stuff. mainly going towords linkin park, and the "Two Dudes" one is a cover of a song from silent hill 2.

That bastard. Its really good man, should give it a listen and shit.
Anyway, off to band practice later. well its 20 to 2 in the fuckin' mornin' now so corse will be later. Been a while and stuff. Dads been quite a bit ill and shit some flu type stuff. So hes spent most the time in bed and shit so cant really practice. no problem mind its good because i'm less active so all the aches and shit goes from me legs. always a fuckin' upside with shit man.
Always look for the good stuff.
Especially when casing a joint.

So chillin.
Packed everything away for band practice and shit just gona get some food and shit sorted then will be good and golden ready ta fuckin go. Its only the fuckin' 5 hours so its all good. well get the train at alf 4 ish get to stourbridge at 20 past 5, get to dudly for 6 jam new stuff till about 20 to 8 then rush back to station to get me train at 8:25 otherwise fucked for an hour always fun.
But i got me a book or two so will be fine man.
I'm glad me other bands in Digbeth, lest hassle and i can get pork scratchings from the bar. yeah bitch there is a bar. Muthers studio its brilliant check the place out.

Also ya gotta take food with ya man, otherwise you'll be cream crackered and a fuckin half man, then when the one ound fish bloke should pop up and give ya a pizza, why pizza i don't know. But it may have something to do with the fact all the pizzas i've bought in the past something years have been from a type of person similar...
Stereotypes are changing man, soon were gona think pizza was invented in the midel east.
you know when your trying to make something racist, but your not sure if it is. that shits annoying, just making an observation and a joke.
Just go down to big johns man.
Order a pizza online and open the door. Its not a drummer no-more.

You must never forget
To modernize performance
Malignancies on the system
Will handicap slow up and rust

The infection has been removed
The soul of this machine has improved

Look into my eyes
And tell me what you see
Someone real
This is real
What you wish to be


Can you see
Can you see

Look into my eyes
And tell me what you see
Someone real
This is real
What you wish to be

Open your eyes

Anyway after than I think its a good palce to end, or some shit.
first hair-wash fot he year today, yupyup woo.
I need a drink.

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