Thursday 24 January 2013

TV shows. My original job role description. How many people can I offend?

So i recon this would be me as a Dalek, what do you say people.
Probably nothing no one comments... ever. that shits mean man. with all the countries that this blog is read in you could at least expect one person to go, at the very least.

"your blog is terrible, please stop, but it dose make me laugh.
You english are funny"

Which, is a terrible thing to say because its a complement, because it makes you laugh. you crafty people you. but i wonder how many people will read this when i put in the "tag's" thing on tumblr and shit the word "Dalek".
theres alot of fangirls about, or Whovians.
whatever the fuck that is. 

I didn't like the new guy.
Anyway before you grab your pitch forks, you seen sons of anarchy, you seen breaking bad. That shits kickass, and bassed on hamlet, sons of anarchy is not breaking bad.
Dude you guys seen the wire. thats an awesome TV show man.

Omar's comin'
I recommend you go watch the wire, its got the best scene ever in it, from any film and TV show ever. With only one word said for the entire thing. And that magical word? is "fuck" what more do you need, its really well written and done.
And dexter that shits awesome, cannot wait for the net season going to be really interesting.
Also breaking bad, for fuck sake man how could you do a midseason thing. you mother fucker's.
but we like you quite a bit and shit.
And the walking dead, thats badass cannot wait for next month. February I think, when it comes back.
And then you gotta love, The soprano's, now that ending is a mother fucker' but its a good one, makes you think. because everyone wants there own way for it to end. But it just ended on a cliffhanger  so you can fill your own story in.
And if you love violence, Oz, that is a badass TV show man. I would recumbent that, Welcome to emerald city. Fuck yeah dude.

So anyway today i cleared my room a bit, set it up so me and me mate can have a peopper jam and shit. So do you mother fuckers wanna have a little look inside Will's office?
"Well what do you say.
Yes will, please.
rite then mom, we'll ave ya some dub."

So anyway there is your dub. so yeah no for the office.

Yeah man thats a pretty rockin office man.
Now its just time to rock out with the mother fucker and jam some shit. recording some videos with him as well he wants to do some covers together as well will get proper sound with the normal setup.
Canon eos 600D and zoom Q3 for audio. will be fuckin rockin' same thing filmed at diffrent angles mind make it more interesting just harder for the edit but hey.
Its better education that college.
Thats mean but still, its more tailored to what I wanna do. like make films and edit stuff. Pretty much what i'm doing at home, where in college i stand there and say "it sounds good". and hold a boom mic.
We had to write a paragraph about what we did in the project and I put originally.

"as sound man it was my job to stand there like a fucking jerk off and say "it sounds good" without putting on a fuckin mong voice because the mundainity is slowly melting your mind and life away in to a pit of nothingness, slowly, slowly. rotting away into an empty hollow shell of a beer can"

Of course I couldn't submit that.
So i changed to it some shit that was just pulled out my arse bullshit. Because that seems to be all they want. Bullshit bullshit and more fuckin' bullshit.
You can tell i like the place can't ya?

Yeah i found awhile ago after i enjoyed my Christmas present from Glenda and Dave a 4 pint pack of stella and listening to slayer I became very angry.
Not pissed off all the time, just with some things just suddenly become the fuckin' mother fucker of the year about it. Fuckin' college that dose it the fuckin' most.
And the fuckin' people, glad my CD players working alright ish so can ignore them a little.
And PSP i found that shit thats a fuckin' life saver, not mine theres don't wanna go Postal were not american.

Okay, so i've offended Dr.who fans, college and the americans. I think thats enough for todays blog.
Oh and others but then to befair. They deserve it :P
So anyway.

Have a good night.
God bless and shit.

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