Sunday 13 January 2013

fuck me i must be dying

Note to self, memorize chart for when decide to travel and shit

I wanna travel, that shit would be awesome man. Imagine being paid for traveling? become a "researcher" of shit. You know like animals and things.
Man, i would love to do taht shit.
Tomorrow I'm going to go out there, to the woodsy parky ish bit, and photograph nature. Then be all up in the frill like. Bitch by my photographs, I wanna travel and paid for it. Send me places to take pictures of wildlife.

Ok, we want a picture of this animal.
Whats it look like?
Heres a picture.
Fuck you already got a picture of it.
Ok, heres one of a sketch we have one another type of animal.
Man you need a picture of that. I'm on it.

Ya never know.
But we do know, it will never happen.
Because mother fucker's.

So anyway right, today right. Cooked some chips man.
Those things were nice man, Cut that shit propper thin and shit. Second round, fuck me man, almost fire and shit.
But didnt so was alright so you know. Game on, Chips on.

With the health, the flu shits mainly gone, but that ear shits still there and pissin us the fuck off. Cant hear out the fucker right and its doin smething. Man, mother fucker. I like to listen to stuff you know. Like music, and films and Homeland.
Not people, never people, Unless its those ones.

So anyway.
You guys seen homeland? that shits awesome, watch it.

Man i just wrote a fuckin', metal ass fuckin' riff man. Turns out me guitars tuned itself down a half step do its D sharp or E flat Depending on your outlook on life.
was like man this shits metal man, Don't know why it took me so long to get the chuggy ass shit out, not too chuggy just enough to make it metal and not shit.
Also, i've done it before just not so much and like this. And it was fuckin' rad man. Got this little lick and shit in there then boom pow i'm gona map out the scale and shit.
So the things in F Harmonic Minor, for you guitar nerds and shit. just a run up some shape i made for meself with that scale and sounds killer. I'm auditioning for a band and shit as guitar player  will take that one there. Get a recording and have it up sometime later on or some shit. Or just record at home on me logic stuff, whey.
But heres what i used in the scale run thing.

Fuck me i'm fuckin' well ill, I think I must be fuckin' dying. I brought up a fuckin' beer and ent opened the thing or looked at the bastard thats a bad fuckin' sign man.
Fuck you flu and shit, fuck you mother fuckin' ear thing thats pissin' me the fuck off.

So thats the fuckin' scale i fuckin' used, its awesome. I'll record osme shit or soemthing some man.
Mother fucker'

I'm goin, that annoyed me man. Fuckin' illness and shit.
Messin with my fuckin' booze.
mother fucker.


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