Wednesday 23 January 2013

strange illness, misspelling and its a fuckin' joke

Ok well today right, now i don't do ill that oftern. But today was strange. So i woke up right, man will ahve a liein, dont ahve many, i like ta do shit, but today was nice warm and comfy as fuck so you know had one. 
wake up about half 9-10ish go downstares to get a coffee or something.
Fuck was that shit bad man, stand tehre. fuck me.
right back upstares sit down vomit, game. fuckin' confusing man, shit dont happen too much.
was strange man.

So that was that shit.
So just hung out in bedtill feelin' good again only the 2 hours, chillin'. mm came in about 12 chucked some magazines at us opened the curtans standard. theres something strangely awesome about having the curtans/blinds open with two magazines on ya.
Then went to see Rachel chilled out had a nice arse day and shit.
Played allot of quiz games on the Ipad, some interesting ones man. But the best one, see some of this shits stand up material. So the best thing that happened, Theres this one game where it gives a little picture and you have to quess what it is by the picture. And this one was jaws, So i go to type in jaws.
The fuck you on about.
turns out i had misspelled it. by using a E rather than an A.
Well its a good thing I went with that cunt from college.
It was one joke, its called a joke. Now fuck off.

Mother fucker's who dont know what a joke is, they are there to make people laugh. if it offends you, dont laugh. And importantly, dont be a fuckin cunt about it. Mother fucker.

Do that everyday.

So anyway i have no mommory of what i was going to say, maybe something but no fuckin' clue.
So anyway.

See ya in a bit or some shit.

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