Wednesday 16 January 2013

Facebook page, and Handy Man

I have a fan page thing on facebook, just where I post the links to this page so go to the page and like it, get the updates of a new blog on facebook each day.

man I finally figured out how to do a hyperlink, thats badass.


check out this sleepy ass tiger man, thats awesome. I'll get one, and share a chicken with him. just look into the eyes.
"please, I am ever so sad, I would like some chicken place. just a little KFC with be ok with me.
Soon as ya get there he phones up.
I want 6 family boneless family things.
Ok mr tiger, thats on its way."

So anyway onto my handy man ass shit, so my lights been fucked for a while right, cant be arsed to change em. So when they both go, fuck sake. change em both, still don't fuckin' work the one don't. check it out, the actually fuckin' things broken. so it takes us a while to get around to sortin the mother fucker out, but i get it dont today.
So naturally your fuckin' with wires and other bull shit, so you go to the mains and turn those fuckers off, so i get there look at em... cannot fuckin' read it at all. So have ta go and fuckin' grab my camera to take a picture, to fuckin' zoom in to see which is fuckin' which.
Zoom in shitload, still cant read it, just say it said Upstairs so there ya go done.

Aww look at my cat, so cute and shit. all sleepin' and stuff. Then he wakes up and is all. 
Food bitch.

So anyway I get to doin' the fuckin' DIY,  remove the stuff, get the old cord grip lamp holder off, dont makes sense but whatever. on the new one, theres this little fuckin clamping jaws thing. thinkin' what the fuck is this fore man, cant adjust it at all, just goes right over the fuckin' wires and shit. no a clue whats goin' on with em. so put top bit on, put on the clamping jaws whatever they do, strip the wires back and shit fine.
so get the second bit, you know where you put the fuckin bulb in and start to put the tires in, so grab the wire and shit, some of em fray a little. So naturally grap the wire and straighten it out by hand.
Then I think.
Fuck man, that could of been bad i-fuckin'-dea. I mean my guitar was behind me, didn't wanna get a shock fall off the ladder and land on me guitar. thats my maiden man.
I'll get pictures, and also.

So anyway sort the rest of the fuckin' shit out get it sorted, but then fuckin lightshade thing on aswell, not that metal but i remember the meaning behind them when i first got them.
Because my room used to be two colours. 
One side blue for day. and the other black for night. So the lambshades were diffrent colours aswell, so I had a white/silver ish one for the moon, and a yellow ish one for the sun. See, meaningfull, and shit.
I was thinking while taking it off, man i gotta get something more metal and badass, but then. nah man. that shits got meaning and stuff, keep it like that. the sun and moon.
I wanna go to the moon.
I should become an astronought.

So anyway where was I?
Yeah so sort the lights out fine and golden. put a bulb in, go back to switch box thing turn shit back on and fuck sake. turnin' the fuses off, fine, turning them back on.
You mother fucker'. cus it wont go up as easy as it goes down.
Theres a joke in that somewhere.
So anyway.
flick the thing, don't go up hits the cover and covers the thing.
You mother fucker'.
So finally after a while i get the shit working and sorted.
Then back to me room to see if it works fine.
Click on the light switch.
"oh you mother fucker'"
I think was what I said.
So i did the standard, took out the light buld, and put in the only other lights we have, The fuckin' red ones. so now its one white and one red light in me room. it looks badass and when your drumming and its over the kit. it feels badass and all. but you gotta question what mother fucker's are thinkin' when they walk past and see a red light on.

Those pervie bastards.

So that was about it.
Made chicken buns and shit. thisisn't instagrams or whatever. and i'm not Matt K. Heafy, I think thats his full name thing. I'm not gona take pictures of food. I'll review food i cook, and talk about places I go, but ent gona go as far and take pictures of the fuckin' shit.
But i will tell you this thing.
Fuck jimmy spices in solihull.
Those mother fucker's, can fuckin' fuck right off. Should of arfinched shit, I knew people moving in should of got em some cutlery and shit.
Service charge. what fuckin' service charge, its a fuckin' bu-fuckin'-fet man. heres ya table heres ya drink not go sort ya fuckin' self out.
Yeah thats quality service there man.
fuckin' jerk off mother fucker's.

Go to the Jade Wok man, solihull man its right next to it, go there. the foods awesome. Yes I called it "The Green Place" but that was because i couldn't remember the name of it.
But its awesome, would go quite oftern, thats picture worthy food. its awesome go there and try it man. its fuckin' lovely.
but the dilevery food ent apparently, so go to the place it-fuckin'-self.

Anyway I think thats enough for today.
I'll leave it about an hour or something before I upload, incase I remember anything else and shit, if not then jsut enjoy the song and keep quiet.

Ok nothing much else has happened cant be arsed to think of other shit that i have done, so that its about that.
But poker tother night, man I get my self into those situations that you don't want to happen, but they happen to someone. and that someone has to go and fuckin' be me right.
Anyway, I won the first hand, was all in. lost the second. oh well.
Its all a game
So anyway have this video its quite intresting and weird. 
so from me Will.


So if ya need DIY shit doin', and cant be arsed to do it yaself. Why not call me, Will.
Apparently trust worthy.

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