Wednesday 9 January 2013

Drunken Sailor

So today we started to film... again.
As the other footage didn't look good or someshit "somewhat". Anyway it went good man should look kickass when alldone and shit.
But I'm sound so we'll see.

So thats that shit man, i got an idea, just cover this song and change the lyrics to
What do we do with a drunken William.
it would make allot of sense.

So we finished early and i went to see Rachel, i had the money to so get the train on down. and she got me this present for our 2 year anniversary which was a bit late but it was alright. So she gets me this awesome thing man, its a pillow with different band logos on it and shit, all stuff i like was killer man.
Then we went and watched seven psychopaths awesome film.

And when i got home turns out this kickass shirt i was waiting for had arrived, and its fuckin' awesome man. proper comfy and soft and shit, wear it all the time. Cotton, Gotta get me some more man, well worth it.

Also see what i mean about the drunken sailor? man ent even drank today yet.

So anyway i'll leave it short today.
Goodbye my fans, if i have any.
Much alrightness.

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