Tuesday 29 January 2013

clothing and that style bullshit

So let me go on about clothing 
"note, I found this Gif below and thought. Man i can talk about this shit. so onward"
Me meself I see clothing as, if its warm and comfy. Fine golden wear that shit. Never really thought, man this shit looks good with this. but it feels shit and is as thin as... Something really thin. But anyway,  They got that style shit thing goin on. Now me I get called a shitload of stuff.
My favorite being.
"Pirate Goth"
That was from one of Rachels friends commenting on me about a year and a half ago now. Standard, over the internet. Am i that threatening?
But anyway.
I get called Scruffy looking allot.

I'm starting to do that thing you know, that feeling's thing. Don't know why just sudenly and shit man those feeligns and shit. Man they are annoying and shit.
Could do with a drink.
I blame people.
Those mother fucker's.

But anyway am in college now and shit, first time propperly in 2 weeks havin fun. Rob walks on in and goes
"what are you doing here?
i'm supost to be here.
Are you?
Yeah man... I ent been kicked out or anything have I?"

Anyway if i was i wouldnt conplane I got shit I wanna do.
Fuckin Fealings and shit.
Could do with a party, or beer. But mainly the fuckin beer and a chillin relax and shit. Man only 15 minutes back in college and need a break allready that's some type of record and shit.

Aww check out little Will the wildebeest and Nat the leopard.
Hey, you know that shits cute.
Also tahts my view form my "desk" I dont know why desk is " " It is a desk.

Oh yeah poker last night.
Was alright.
I lost came 4th in the playoff for star city. Not too bad.
Must of seemed a bit strange when I walked off because I put my hoodie and jacket on, then while putting my Cut I stood up and did it. Making the most dramatic noise and unsubtle way of putting it on. Was thinking. Hold on, i'm just goin for a fuckin' piss and that was maybe dramatic exit. Oh well.

My bad.

Anyway cant be fuckin' arsed for some shit so just gona sign out and leave you guys to think.
Mother fucker'


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