Monday 14 January 2013

The Doctor said... Those fuckin' chemists

Ya gotta have a mate like that, you know. one that just runs up and hugs ya for some reason.
you know who I mean.

But you know, the standard response is.

The favored response would be.

but you know. you cant have it all, well ya can, but that would be shit.

So anyway, getting to what the doctor said.
Today, I went to toe doctor to get me ear checked out and shit, because it pissses us the fuck off, and I got an ear infection. See, you read that on any other blog and you would be like, man thats fucked, click off.
But ayy, this is no ordinary blog, this is Will's blog. So it must have something witty happen otherwise he wouldn't mention it, because thats boring thing otherwise.

I went to the doctor, he said i was okay, and i said "you lying bastard"
The End

Anyway that didn't happen, that would be an example of something that will never happen to me, because only go when somethings serious.

"You should go to the doctors.
Nah its fine.
But your bleeding.

So anyway what she said, so i=I tell her me problem. Man best way to describe it feels like i'm wearing ear plugs all the time, and its happened before and was all mother fucker' you get the idea.
So she checks out my left ear first, fine and dandy no problem.
now the fuckin' awesome part
She checks my Right ear and she says

"My god thats the worst case i've ever seen "pauses" in a while.

To which i can only reply like this in the most awesome way, and honestly true I said this.

Well i try."

Now how fuckin' awesome is that, That i manage to get a brilliant one liner in on a doctor, that involves nothing too bad at all. then she said.
Your a very brave man.

Which just leaves me thinking.
What should I be in fuckin' pain or something? I know last time I was but this shit is alright now man.

So anyway that was that, she gives us a prescription for some strong penicillin then i'm on me way, have a song before I make a fuckin' complaint about chemists.

Ok so not all Chemists, just the one right next to the fuckin' place, literally  usain bolt can run and get there in under 10 seconds.
So at this place, the usual routine is, you walk in, give em your prescription thing slip, they look at it for a moment then say.

"It'll be 25 to 30 minutes.

Now, that ent a problem. Waiting for something to get rid of an annoying mother fucker' is fine. But when you can clearly see the staff members in the chemist standing around drinking tea.
Now firstly, i jsut stand and check shit out cus ent gona fuckin' shop just wanna get me shit and go. So just looking checkin out what they are doing, so they look at the wall a moment, pick up there tea have a few sips have a conversation and shit and i'm thinkin'.

"Hey mother fucker, if you just did ya fuckin' job right, or got one where your gosip shit was suited like in a fuckin' hair dresser then maybe you'll be liked by your customers and shit man. but working in something to do with people health and shit and just having a fuckin' gossip and shit, nice cup of tea. Due get fuckin' on with it, 10-15 minutes tops man. everything fuckin' clearly labeled an fuckin' all."

So when I'm at that place I'm looking the guy square in the fuckin' eyes repeating that to meself in me fuckin' head.
So fuck that place man, moral of the story.
Go to morrisons instead, its closer to home and shit and you can go get some shoppin for shit you know, like chicken and bread and stuff. Some milk and shit, but pace yaselfs because they take about 10 minutes and it dont take that long ta shop.
Well is ya a man and ent Embracing the feminin shit. you know look at everything and get distracted about stuff. Well some women are taking the man method now but not enough, too many men are going women style shopping its not fuckin' right.

Men, we gotta bring back being a Man.

You know what, Pirate suit up mother fucker's.

Thats it for today i recon people.
Poker later on and shit and thats about it.
See ya tomorrow people.

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