Thursday 17 January 2013

fuck knows whats goin' on about today

facebook page"

I like to think that I can one day be like kyle pilkinton, not fully mind. just a little bit.
And i can sense bullshit man on its way for some reason...
Anyway, it would be awesome being like kyle, not exactly like, just be like him, yet still be meself. But i'm prity sure some people are saying you are both idiots just one goes abroad allot.

so moving on to other shit, erm.
hows shit goin' people, you a fan on the facebook page yet? you fuckin' best be.
Go onto it and like the page.

you know if you would be so kind as to do so

Aww the fox.
So rachel stayed over last night, nice night chillin' and shit. Was going to cook some nice arse homemade pizza and checkin shit. but though fuck the pizza just do the will fryed chicken.
So did that and it was nice, then bed and shit.
So this morning right, wake up cuddle and shit quite nice, have some breakfast. so go with the standard, bacon, eggs, beans and toast. its missing a beer but still its a breakfast of champions.
But rachel dont like bacon so you know.
"Ill just have the beans and toast.
and a scrambled egg."
was gona get one anyway, gotta have a full breakfast man. specially if I make it
So cooked that was alright, done thats breakfast sorted.

So thats an insite into me private life, ish.

So then off ta college and shit.
and it ent oftern that i feel sad and shit right, but this morning shit man didn't half feel it man. just trying to figure out some times and shit took us a while just brought us down.
then i stopped thinking about the thing and it was alright.
so get to train station half 10 ish, get train get to college by half 11. fuckin' finished filming by half 12, wasnt any point in me bothering today man. just felt more like shit now with this cold shit and ear infection. the mother fucker'.

So just being forgetful and shit, not like me unless its some mother fucker's name. becoming easily confused ent feeling all to good, so ent gona be doin too much of a blog unless something interestingly random happens.
Apparently its going to snow like a mother fucker' tonight so college and shit be fucked tomorrow. Oh fuckin' well. more time to watch Homeland.

Speaking of homeland, so got to season 2 right, don't worry no spoilers. so the girls in school and theres this debate type thing, where these fuckin' jerk off's stand up and voice there opinions and shit about shit thats going on like, this is how I imagine it.

I just, couldn't sleep last night, knowing that in these countries like syria and places, with all these atrocities, it just worried me.
"punch" shut "punch" the fuck "punch" up bitch "punch"

I think I was talking about something but i don't know. So anyway I think I'll leave it there for today people.

Have enjoyment of the snow and shit thats fallin.

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