Sunday 20 January 2013

my bad, interesting piss man,

I just realized how bad my last blog could of seemed with the tags I put with it and its title.
"Sad arseholes and the nazies"
and among the tags I had "lostprophets" which was how allot of people came across my blog. Oh well accidental my bad, it could of been must worse.
Could of offended a religion instead, thats always bad, apparently...

That shit was weird, I say weird, ya know egg's. Yeah man I cant remember the last time I had em, smells.
Could do with some eggs man be nice, ard boiled and shit, wee bit of salt, thats it, what you want a fuckin' grommet recipe? fuck that, at wills restaurant you pay for good food, not something that looks good and tastes like ass. and theres fuck all of it

So anyway the other day while at the pub, as ya do. i started a conversation the best way right, it immediately made everyone stop what they were talking about and shit and ask questions. and this is awesome man i was only spakin to the one person and bout 6 people got interested  i mean its not even that interesting  and yes i'm stretching this out and not getting to the point just so you read more, you know. build up suspense...
its snowing again.
So anyway what i said is right, your gona love this.

So I sit on down pick up me beer, as ya fuckin' do and say
"I just had an interesting piss"
so then naturally  people fuckin' stop and think, what the fuck did he just say. so it was repeated like a shitty eco, you know only the fuckin' once.
"you just had an interesting piss
well thats a way to start a conversation"
so this is where it goes standard I cant get a fuckin' word in now so there discussing this piss that i had and how it could be interesting, without letting us get the word in... as it was my story...
and that was about it.
oh people wanna know about the piss now? go on then.

one of my favorite movie's.
So anyway, there i was  merrily having a merry piss. you know standing there like, man this is a good piss. so ya know, gotta fart as well standard. so noones else in the toilets and shit, so pop a leg a little. fart, not to loud but you know at a loud enough level to be comical right.
then just after i fart, the system of the bogs dose something and it sounds like its going
like the fuckin' doors from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy  but it sounds like me mate sam just did it, was very strange man. but awesome man, appliances applaud your piss and fart. thats metal.

So will be doing a drum cover soon, something by children of bodom, i remember the song just not what its called. i would go on me itunes but i'm working my way thought this play list thats 6 hours long. i listened to about 4 hours yesterday just had it playing while in bed feelin' a tad shite from the beer the night before.
the nazies thing still makes me laugh.
standing up to this guy and going
"you have a really nice shirt"
It was a good comment it relaxed a bit after that.
man its not even past morning yet and got allot done. thats pretty awesome and shit. also i gotta say.

the blogs hit 1000 man, thats fuckin' awesome you guys should keep coming back for this interesting shit. you know you love it.
and you wanna see the countries that see this shit? this is all time so some of them are missed out because it only dose 10 or something.

Also been checked out in india, somewhere off the gulf of persia I think, china and other places. its all pretty awesome, that people are checking out this bullshit from all over the world. the best one was russia which i'm surprised isn't there because I've had quite a few views from there. but then never know, they may be trying to gather information.
if they got anything from this blog i think there battle plan may go downhill if they make any type of strategy from this.
but then its the germans you gotta watch out fore, they've been quiet for too long.
also note i'm part german.
Why you gotta note that i dont know but you never know. You people you.

Also it was thursday when I last had eggs,  just remembered i cooked breakfast for meself and Rachel. Ya gotta cook man, its awesome. What did we have you may ask?
sure i'll tell you and fill out this blog abit more.
So in the morning after we woke up a bit and shit you know. Was thinking about good old food right, so I ask.
"What do you want for breakfast
I don't mind what are you having?
bacon, egg's beans and toast.
I'll have beans on toast.
Your gona get fuckin' scrambled eggs aswell."
I think thats how it went. So thats that really I cooked it and it was alright, me egg was a bit funny but you know, should of cooked it better then. But then could be worse, could of run out of bacon.

aww look at the cute ass wolf and shit. You know whats an awesome shirt? The Foxhound logo from emtal gear solid, was thinkin about getting one of them. would be fuckin badass. and speaking of badass. you know that thing of you need music to feel powerfull and shit, well if this dont make ya feel like a badass nothing will.

but then again, you can jsut go with the standard.
Ahh fuck it.
which is always fuckin good man. its a gift, and a way of life.

I think that may be enought for the day but its only fuckin' 11 in the morning. may give it a few hours go do some shit and see if anything develops and shit. Will shoot out and film some snow shit again and get another video up later. may even try for a drum cover and incorporate the footage into it.
that would be fuckin' badass.
check out this kangaroo

so i went to the park to film some stuff, so pretty much i went there it was snowing like a mother fucker, i got a little bit of footage of trees then fucked off home. Now if i was with someone and i had a different hat on, and the fuckin' snow weren't comin right at me and the camera, would of gone to other places. but nahh never happened.
So edited that together a bit, got chips. Then its onto the drum cover. and nervas or excited for it, really fun doing. so just uploading that now just gotta check it out and see how it goes. i messed up in parts but i'm jamming it not doing a perfect rendition.
so may have ta re-record it so it sounds better, but it depends on how it looks in the edit and shit.

it was going alright then just started to fuck about. I was gona re film but turns out people got to sleep, so fair nuff. will re film in the morning and have it up by tomorrow.
its looking good though the intro footage.
so hows shit going people?

I'm gona leave it there.
goodbye world.
Will lo... thinks your acceptable.


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